How can we support and treat people with dementia in an acceptable way that's affordable?
Paper in Lancet Public Health: Number of adults needing
24-hr care to double by 2035
Summary of current findings from the MODEM project
Why our research matters
As the UK population continues to age, the number of people with dementia will grow considerably over the coming decades.
Continuing with today’s treatment, care and support arrangements is widely seen as unsustainable and unaffordable.
A major challenge is how to provide high-quality treatment and support to these individuals at a cost seen as affordable.
What will the project deliver?
Policy options Our report will outline findings and possible next steps for government and other responsible agencies.
Guide for the public We will publish a guide for the public, connecting our findings to the everyday life and challenges of people with dementia, families and carers.
Support for experts We will hold a major event at the end of the project to present findings to central and local government, voluntary organisations, people with dementia, carers and academics. Earlier, we will present interim findings and discuss options for modelling with key stakeholders.