Advisory Group
The Group is made up of a wide range of experts in the field of dementia.
MODEM researchers and representatives from the Reference Group of Users and Carers also attend Advisory Group meetings.
Professor Nick Black (chair)
Professor of Health Services Research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Senior Associate at the Nuffield Trust and member of the DH-funded Policy Innovation Research Unit.
Dr Charles Alessi
Senior Advisor, Dementia Lead and Wellness Lead, Public Health England; Co-Chairman, National Association of Primary Care, NHS Confederation; Senior Advisor, NHSCC.
Professor Carol Brayne
Professor of Public Health Medicine and Director, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge.
Professor Alistair Burns
National Clinical Director for Dementia in England; Professor of Old Age Psychiatry, University of Manchester.
Bob Butcher
Deputy Director, Lead Analyst for Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships, Department of Health.
Professor Martin Green
Chief Executive, Care England.
Colin Capper
Head of Research Development and Evaluation,Alzheimer’s Society.
Dr Karen Harrison-Dening
Director of Admiral Nursing,
Dementia UK.
Joanne Goodard
Research Portfolio Officer, Economic and Social Research Council.
Professor Jill Manthorpe
Director, Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London.
Dr Matthew Norton
Head of Policy, Alzheimer's Research UK.
David Pearson
Corporate Director, Adult Social Care, Health and Public Protection, Nottinghamshire County Council.
Professor Marcus Richards
Deputy Director and Programme Leader, MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL; Professor of Psychology in Epidemiology, University College London.
Professor Martin Rossor
Director, NIHR Queen Square Dementia Biomedical Research Unit, University College London; NIHR National Director for Dementia Research.
Dr Johan Vos
Deputy Executive Director, Alzheimer's Disease International,