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Janet Fevrier

Janet is the CEO for Crossroads Care Kingston and Richmond. Crossroads Care provides respite care for carers, including respite care for carers of people with dementia.


Janet has spent all her working life in various customer service roles working with people from all backgrounds. As a young woman, she worked for the DHSS in Hounslow, then after having her children she worked in the travel Industry at Heathrow and had responsibility for passenger safety and experience.


She was then given the opportunity to work for Surrey County Council's Adults and Community Care Services. For eight years, she worked in North Surrey with carers and the people they care for. She worked with voluntary and carers support organisations, planning, developing and monitoring services, sitting on various committees and bodies, including Crossroads Care Spelthorne.


She left Surrey County Council to take up the role of Health Promotion Manager for North Surrey Primary Care Trust as carers' lead. She had responsibility for the voluntary sector budget and managed various teams during this time. In 2006, Surrey and Borders Mental Health and Learning Disability Trust wanted to develop their work with carers and she was offered the post of Head of Carer Involvement. She has developed processes and procedures, information and services to try to improve the experience of carers, whilst building partnerships and networks. She has sat on carers' commissioning groups and carers' and young carers' strategy groups developing an understanding of carers' issues and rights.

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The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) as part of the ESRC/NHIR Dementia Initiative.

© 2014 MODEM Project (LSE)

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