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Work Package 7


The project will make full use of previous studies in this area.

Data extraction from previous studies

Our literature review and other searches has identified completed and ongoing trials and other evaluation studies that examine the effectiveness of a range of interventions to prevent dementia, treat or care for people with the illness, or support unpaid carers.


We are particularly interested in studies with associated cost-effectiveness evidence, although we can potentially generate estimates of cost consequences in other circumstances using modelling. We will either use reported findings from these studies or seek to interrogate the primary data.


We are ourselves involved in many recently completed or ongoing dementia trials in the UK (including IDEAL, HTA-SADD, DOMINO, SHIELD, EVIDEM, START, ATTILA, CALM, WHELD), and so are familiar with the cost and outcome data collected and the potential for analyses by subgroups.


We are carrying out new analyses of individual-level data to understand relationships between particular patterns of needs (e.g. cognitive impairment, behaviour, functional disability), characteristics (e.g. age, gender, co-morbidities) and circumstances (e.g. living alone, socioeconomic status) of people with dementia and the outcome and (disaggregated) cost consequences of interventions in order to inform the MicSIMPOP (WP4) and the intervention models (WP10).

Martin Knapp, Sube Banerjee

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The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) as part of the ESRC/NHIR Dementia Initiative.

© 2014 MODEM Project (LSE)

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