Work Package 13
We will engage with both academic and non-academic research users to maximise impact.
Knowledge transfer
We have identified and work with a range of potential users of our research (local and national policy and practice communities, researchers, people with dementia and their families) in all stages of our project, including developing our legacy model (WP11).
Throughout the project we have benefited from the continuous input of key stakeholders, including our main Advisory Group, our Reference Group of Users and Carers (WP12), and our Impact Advisory Group (of chief executives and public policy leads). We are therefore engaging with public, private and voluntary sector bodies, and already have good links with key central government departments (Health, Communities and Local Government, Work and Pensions, Treasury), voluntary organisations (e.g. Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK, Dementia UK, Carers UK), provider bodies such as BUPA and the NHS Confederation, relevant parts of the NHS as they get established (e.g. the new Commissioning Board and Public Health England), and local Councils and their umbrella bodies (ADASS, LGA).
Most members of the research team have already built up good links with research-using communities. We are developing those links in individual WPs and in more general ways throughout the project.
Sally-Marie Bamford