Sube Banerjee, Baseline data from the MODEM cohort: quality of life and severity of dementia, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Mapping the dementia care pathway in England, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Margaret Dangoor, Rapid fire: The MODEM Reference Group of Users and Carers, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Derek King, Change over time in quality of life and cost of care of people living
dementia – Analysis of the MODEM cohort, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Carol Jagger, Projections of care needs and the contribution of dementia, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Martin Knapp, Introduction to MODEM, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Martin Knapp, Scaling up evidence-based interventions: benefits and costs to 2040, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Klara Lorenz, Rapid fire: Well-being of unpaid carers of people with dementia:why carer age and gender matter, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
David McDaid, Rapid fire: Economic evaluation and dementia: state of the art, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Sanna Read, Rapid fire: Social isolation predicts memory decline in older age, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Amritpal Rehill, Rapid fire: Measuring unpaid care hours, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Raphael Wittenberg, Projections of costs of care for older people living with dementia, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Raphael Wittenberg, Rapid fire: The MODEM legacy model, MODEM Final Conference, London - 15 November 2018
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Economic cost of dementia care: A call for action for the government, 20th Alzheimer's Disease International Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Jakarta - 5 November 2017
Martin Knapp, Using economic evidence to improve dementia care, 20th Alzheimer's Disease International Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Jakarta - 4 November 2017
Adelina Comas-Herrera, MODEM dementia evidence toolkit: web-based resource of dementia care, treatment, and support evidence, Symposium: Modelling the Outcome and Cost Impacts of Interventions for Dementia (MODEM), 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Francisco - 23 July 2017
Carol Jagger, MicSIMPOP: modeling how lifestyle factors and chronic diseases affect care needs with dementia, Symposium: Modelling the Outcome and Cost Impacts of Interventions for Dementia (MODEM), 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Francisco - 23 July 2017
Martin Knapp, The MODEM project, Symposium: Modelling the Outcome and Cost Impacts of Interventions for Dementia (MODEM), 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Francisco - 23 July 2017
Raphael Wittenberg, Macrosimulation model: projections of numbers of older people with dementia and associated costs, Symposium: Modelling the Outcome and Cost Impacts of Interventions for Dementia (MODEM), 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Francisco - 23 July 2017
Martin Knapp, The economics of mental health, NHS Confederation Seminar, London - 16 March 2017
Martin Knapp, Economic considerations, NIHR School for Social Care Research and Independent Advisory Group on Carers Workshop: Including family carers: adding value and impact to research, London School of Economics and Political Science, London - 21 February 2017
Martin Knapp, Economic issues – what needs to be done?, Westminster Health Forum Workshop: Next steps for improving dementia care: funding, reducing variations and implementing the 2020 Challenge, London - 30 January 2017
Adelina Comas-Herrera, The MODEM Project (a comprehensive approach to MODelling outcome and costs impacts of interventions for DEMentia), 4th International Long-term Care Policy Network Conference, London - 6 September 2016
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Key issues and challenges in long-term care organization and financing in differently resourced countries: from service coverage to sustainability, 4th International Long-term Care Policy Network Conference, London - 6 September 2016
Martin Knapp, Barriers to wider use of technology in dementia care and support, 4th International Long-term Care Policy Network Conference, London - 6 September 2016
Martin Knapp, Poster presentation on MODEM, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Toronto, Canada - 24-28 July 2016
Martin Knapp, MODEM: the dementia evidence toolkit, NICE Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Seminar, London - 19 July 2016
Martin Knapp, What is best practice in dementia care… and can we afford it?, Alzheimer’s Society Annual Research Conference, Bristol - 1 July 2016.
Martin Knapp, Technology, older people and social inclusion, City University seminar, London - 12 May 2016
Sanna Read, Fertility history and cognition in later life, Wellcome Trust Longitudinal Studies conference, Cambridge, July 2015
Sanna Read, Fertility history and cognition in later life, IAGG conference, Dublin, April 2015
Adelina Comas-Herrera, The MODEM project, Personal Social Services Research Unit Staff Meeting, London School of Economics and Political Science, London – 23 February 2015
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Financial incentives to support unmet medical needs for nervous system disorders: A workshop, National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 20–21 January 2015
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Improving outcomes in dementia care: integration, personalisation and the Dementia Challenge, Westminster Health Forum Keynote Seminar, London – 25 November 2014
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Keynote: The economics of dementia care, Austrian Association of Health Economics Inaugural Conference, Vienna - 28 November 2014 (Slideshare)
Ann Bowling, The MODEM project, Ageing and Dementia Research Cluster, Faculty of Health Sciences, Southampton University - October 2014
Martin Knapp, Making strides in dementia treatment, care, support and awareness, International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care – Where Next for Long-term Care Reform, London, 31 August – 3 September 2014 (PDF)
Raphael Wittenberg, Modelling the costs of dementia care in the UK, International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care – Where Next for Long-term Care Reform, London, 31 August – 3 September 2014
Adelina Comas-Herrera, Public and private financing of the costs of dependency: sustainability and equity, Second Evaluation of Public Policies for Sustainable Long-term Care in Spain Workshop, Barcelona - 4 July 2014 (PDF)
Martin Knapp, The Economic case for action, First Global Dementia Legacy Event on Finance and Social Impact Investment in Dementia, London – 19 June 2014 (Slideshare)
Josie Dixon, Modem: Comprehensive modelling of costs & outcomes of interventions with dementia, 29th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International – Dementia: Working Together for a Global Solution, Puerto Rico, 1–4 May 2014 (PDF)
Sube Banerjee, Reasons to be cheerful, MODEM Project Launch, London, 15 May 2014
Lucia Dedear, Daughter and unpaid carer for father with vascular dementia, MODEM Project Launch, London, 15 May 2014
Emily Grundy, Ann Bowling, Life course social interaction & participation: Associations with cognitive function & use of services in later life, MODEM Project Launch, London, 15 May 2014
Carol Jagger, Ageing, comorbidity and care, MODEM Project Launch, London, 15 May 2014
Martin Knapp, A comprehensive approach to modelling outcome and costs impacts of interventions for dementia, MODEM Project Launch, London, 15 May 2014
Raphael Wittenberg, Modelling future costs of long-term care, MODEM Project Launch, London, 15 May 2014 (PDF)