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Work Package 11


We will develop a web-based interactive model for use beyond the life of the study.

Legacy model

A key of the project objective is the development of a publicly available web-tool (a ‘legacy model’ and associated media) to enable service commissioners, providers, advocacy groups, individuals and families to access the findings and outputs of the project, and to make their own projections of expected outcomes and costs.


One purpose will be to help strategic decision-makers and commissioners use local data to assess needs and plan services for people with dementia at local level. The legacy model will have capabilities to enable all users to examine implications for demand for services and associated costs under varying assumptions about future prevalence rates of dementia and future patterns of care.


We envisage that the model will operate in a similar manner to the DH modelshire planning model for acute services. We will ensure that it is user-friendly, with an easy-to-operate ‘front end’ and accessible user guide.


We will develop ideas for the design and capabilities of this model during the project in collaboration with commissioners and others to ensure that it will meet their needs. The expertise of the International Longevity Centre will be a key resource. Other partners will include organisations such as the NHS Commissioning Board, Public Health England, ADASS, and the Alzheimer’s Society.

Raphael Wittenberg, Adelina Comas-Herrera, Sally-Marie Bamford

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The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) as part of the ESRC/NHIR Dementia Initiative.

© 2014 MODEM Project (LSE)

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